Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Help! What is the best way to save my teeth from tooth-grinding?

I've tried to use mouthpiece but it is not comfortable. I can't take this awful practice. Help!

Help! What is the best way to save my teeth from tooth-grinding?
Had the same problem. My dentist told me to use a night guard. He also said that it was due to being stressed out, and that was the truth. But now that I dont have as much stress in my life, I dont grind my teeth anymore either. Ask your dentist if there is anything else that he suggests using.
Reply:Dr.'s night guard
Reply:Ask your dentist for another solution.
Reply:Talk to your doctor or dentist. Surely there are other methods out there to subside the grinding. The mouthpiece is common but I can only imagine most uncomfortable.
Reply:football mouthpeice? yeah, they arent comfy. Get custom made ones at the dentist. they should cost a few hundred bucks, so dont loose them but theyll be more comfy. or at least they should be.
Reply:You need to see your dentist and get a mouth guard that is fitted for your mouth. It will make a difference. Otherwise there is nothing you can do, so you better change your attitude about them.
Reply:Go see a dentist. There are several alternatives besides a mouthguard. However, you can get used to a mouthguard. I know I have and I sleep just fine with mine. I buy the one that you heat in water and then form to your upper teeth. Any part that is uncomfortable, I slice off with scissors.

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1 comment:

  1. Hey, that’s a helpful share! I am also seeking suggestions for teeth grinding cure and found this article. I might consult best dentist Hermosa Beach for cure of this unbearable pain. I am sure he will suggest something good for my teeth grinding pain.
