Sunday, August 2, 2009

How can i stop grinding my teeth?

Bruxism- teeth grinding

Grinding your teeth at night regularly, or bruxism, can be a very annoying habit, and have some serious consequences. Recent studies have shown that it can lead to teeth aches, chronic headaches, consistent jaw pains, and even the crumbling of your teeth. Here are some ways that can help you overcome this:

The mouth guard:

Many people have had success with a mouth guard recommended by their doctor. It's worth a try, but it can be uncomfortable and tiring to always wear that when going to sleep.

Get rid of the caffeine:

Cut back or avoid any food or drink that contains caffeine. Studies show that when people reduce their caffeine intake, the teeth grinding decreases.

Reduce alcohol consumption:

Teeth grinding can get much worse after drinking alcohol. If you drink, make sure you keep it in moderation, and drink a lot of water before going to sleep. That will reduce the intensity and the chances of grinding your teeth.

Stop chewing gum:

Chewing gum can train your jaw and your jaw muscles to clench and move in the same manner as during teeth grinding. It can make it more likely to occur. Bruxism causes your jaw to move a certain way, thus causing the teeth to grinding against one another, so it's best not to incite your jaw to do this like it does with gum.

More water:

As mentioned above with the alcohol, drinking a lot of water can help reduce bruxism. This is because dehydration has been linked to bruxism, and drinking plenty of water can counter that.

Reduce your stress:

More likely than not, bruxism and teeth grinding are related to a mental issue. Stress and anxiety can increase your chances to grind your teeth. Therefore, it would be beneficial to try to rid your existence of the stress, by doing things such as stress counseling, exercising, yoga, etc

How can i stop grinding my teeth?
If you are consciously aware that you grind your teeth you can train yourself to stop the moment you notice. However many people (myself included) grind their teeth at night, so in that case you'd need to get an appliance fitted by your dentist or orthodontist.
Reply:You can buy mouthguards at your local drugstore that help prevent you from grinding. They're a bit pricey though... around $50 or $60.
Reply:To stop it at night, ask your dentist for a protection plate to sleep with.

To stop it during the day, practice massages: from your temples down to the sides of your jaw. It relaxes those muscles, and after a couple of weeks the grinding will be rare.
Reply:I had to go to the dentist and get some silicone mouth guards to put in my mouth at night. In the day I have to make a conscience effort not to do it.
Reply:Buy a month guard before you ruin your teeth.


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