Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How do I stop grinding my teeth at night?

I grind my teeth during the night when I am sleeping. What causes this and how do I treat it?

How do I stop grinding my teeth at night?
Grinding your teeth while alseep or awake is caused by stress. Sometimes your stress level is higher than other times, hence a sore jaw in the morning somedays and not others. See your dentist and if he/she feels that the symptoms warrant it, he/she will fabricate a bite splint (mouthguard) for you to wear while you sleep. Please do not just buy one at Wal-Mart and make it yourself. A bite splint can be billed to dental insurance if you have it and lasts for years. BTW, to answerer #1 - I would love to know what type of jaw disease your fiancee has. I can't imagine...
Reply:im not sure what causes it exactly, but i do know my fiance has a jaw disese that makes him grind his teeth at night. i know there have to be more causes than that though. i was jus giving you one example i know of. as for what you can do to stop it, i know they make these plasticy sort of gummy things you can put over your teeth at night, it doesnt stop the grinding it self but it stops the bad stuff from happening to your teeth. you may want to ask your dentist.
Reply:Go see a dentist and be fitted for a custom night guard.

Some people use tranquilizers, some people use hypnosis, some people have extensive jaw reconstruction to abate the bruxism (grinding).

Do not get a 'kit' for making one at home. The problem with the 'boil and bite' mouthguards is a simple one. Most people soften the mouthguard as directed and then bite down too hard, so that the upper and lower teeth are nearly touching or are touching and that defeats the whole point of the guard.

A good one will cost about $150.00. Fixing a cracked tooth will cost about $1000.00. You do the math.

Good luck but call your dentist before you do some real damage to your teeth.
Reply:well u cant stop it unless u buy a night guard mouth piece
Reply:Check out these....
Reply:I'm no dentist. And I know nothing about the causes, but they sell those things where you stick them on your teeth like dentures at night, and it stops your teeth from grinding. They sell it at Longs Drugs, Target, or Wal Mart.

skin cancer

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