Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Why do certain noises such as teeth grinding irritate us? What makes them so unpleasant to our senses?

My Nans brother could not stand the noise of someone biting into an apple. Do you know of any other strange cases of noises that make us cringe? Perhaps this question should be in biology??

Why do certain noises such as teeth grinding irritate us? What makes them so unpleasant to our senses?
Very sensible nerves are there in our mouth under the teeth. When you hear some noises which is not usual to your nerves you become tense automatically Yours VRVRAO
Reply:i cant stand the sound of Styrofoam, and nails on a chalk board.
Reply:my son cant stand paper ripping
Reply:some noises such as plastic against plastic is such of a high noise that it is to hard and disturbing for us to listen to. that is a very good question! and it we should be studing that in school! hope that helped ( srry for all the bad spelling)
Reply:i cannot stand snoring while trying to sleep, or in general, but a fan or constant noise like that is fine. I also hate loud typing sounds or mouses clicking unless they are that of my own. doesnt make sense haha.
Reply:Scratching the blackboard with ur nails....


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