Saturday, July 25, 2009

Grinding my teeth at night?

My boyfriend says i do it all night, and it sounds like im sawing trees...this morning i woke up with a very sore mouth and teeth...what causes this and how can i fix it?

Grinding my teeth at night?
see ur dentist ASAP .but meanwhile, drink a warm glass of milk before u sleep. u can also take a warm bath before sleep. i used to have bruxism(teeth grinding) but i stopped in about three weeks now. and take note, dont think of anything else before u sleep. just RELAX. ;)
Reply:You need to see your dentist and get a mouth gaurd made. Call your dentist and get the appointment set up ASAP before you damage your teeth any farther.
Reply:You have bruxism. What cause Bruxism? Stress...You need a occlusal guard or nightguard. You can try going to sports store and try that to protect your teeth from attrition( grinding down you teeth) which will cause teeth sensitivities. Also, you might end up having TMJ pain,behind the ears and referred pain. If you go to dentist, they make it fit ,perfect for your teeth . Good luck.. Don't wait too long
Reply:It sounds like you are grinding your teeth. There can be various causes but since it happens durung sleep it is difficult to control. Grinding can cause serious damage to tooth structure, tooth sensitivity, temperomandibular joint damage, and muscular spasms which can lead to headaches or facial pain. You need to see a dentist and have a custom nightguard fabricated. The stock store bought types are not as good; studies show that the soft material causes grinding to increase. Also, the custom types fit better and last longer. On the negative side, they are more expensive. At first the nightguard may take some getting used to but after about a week it will feel comfortable.

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