Friday, July 31, 2009

Ive been grinding my teeth all night for a while. mouth gaurds drive me crazy. what should i do?

and DONT tell me to lay off the drugs or any of that cause im not on any. seriously, my head hurts so bad in the morning and im sure my enamal is being worn down.

Ive been grinding my teeth all night for a while. mouth gaurds drive me crazy. what should i do?
You really do need the mouth guards and I know what you are talking about with the pain. I can only answer your questions with what I know is my problem is and mine is anxiety. I get anxious and when I'm sleeping, I am at my most venerable and most relaxed, that is when it comes out. Sometimes I either have panic attacks in my sleep, grind my teeth or have nightmares. Go back to the dentist and have the guards adjusted to fit your mouth a little better if they are really bothersome. If you could have the problem that I have, maybe you should go see a doctor and try to get the anxiety under control. I went through all the pain medication and migraine medicine before I found out what was really causing the problem. I think its something to think about. I never would have thought about anxiety with teeth grinding!
Reply:Talk to your dentist about alternate things to use.. most likely you will have to get a mouth guard.. but also maybe reduce stress/tension in your life, talk therapy, take up yoga, or something to relieve stress so that you can be more relaxed.. that usually helps with teeth grining for the mean time ask your dentist about getting the most comfortable fitted mouth guard that you can.--- no need for early dentures!
Reply:Are you stressed out? Most of the time when people grind their teeth it's because of stress. Look into some relaxation techniques... some may sound a bit fruity, but they really work.
Reply:i do the same thing. i am going to see about braces.
Reply:The mouth guards take some getting used to, but once you do it'll be hard to sleep without one. I've been using them for three years and have to say that after the initial akward stage, they're really helpful.
Reply:Your dentist may be able to provide you with a thinner mouth guard. I used to use my bleaching trays which are a lot thinner than a true nightguard. They will have to be replaced more often, but it is a lot more comfortable than the bulky nightguards. There really arent many other options out there. Most grinding is caused by stress, you may look into ways to alleviate some of the stress in your life. Good luck!!
Reply:Id go to a dental specialist (orthodontist) and ask them. I wore braces as a teenager and they fitted me for a retainer for night time--the plastic kind not metal, and I still wear it. Its durable because ive had it for years and I still grind my teeth. The wear and tear on it after all this time is miniscule.


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