Saturday, July 25, 2009

How can I stop my 4yr old from grinding her teeth?

My 4 yr old daug. Grinds her teeth at night. She has never used a pacifier nor has the habbit of sucking her fingers.

I don't know what to do. I suppose it will eventually stop but is there anything I can do to help prevent it?

Thanks for your answers which I hope will help :)

How can I stop my 4yr old from grinding her teeth?
Night-time teeth-grinding is involuntary, so you probably can't _make_ her stop. Often children who grind their teeth will do so all the way into adult-hood (like me) either continuously or in bouts. The best thing you can do is probably speak to the dentist about your child's oral care, because grinding of the teeth is very bad for the mouth and jaw.
Reply:i used to do it as a kid and just kepp telling her no. since her baby teeth will fall out I wouldnt worry to much about it. she will out grow it enetually
Reply:Get her to an orthodontist or specialist fast.

If this is not corrected soon, she will have numerous and painful problems with her TMJ. Not to mention griding the teeth is bad for the tooth itself. She might need a fitted, acrylic splint to put in her mouth to stop her from this habit. She also may be stressed from something and it is carrying over into her sleep. Do not overlook the psychological aspects of this, as your daughter is very very young to have problems with grinding.

I had horrible problems with my TMJ, and several years (and several thousands of dollars) later, I'm almost pain free. I have pain sometimes, but it is either from eating something very crunchy, or grinding at night when I'm stressed. I have had two splints, and I still wear one about 60% of the time at night to keep my teeth from grinding.
Reply:a mouth peice

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