Saturday, July 25, 2009

How To Stop Grinding Teeth At Night?

A plastic or acrylic night guard may be useful but it won't stop your teeth grinding. It will just prevent bruxism (teeth grinding) and damage to the teeth.

The major cause in most cases is stress. Stress is the #1 cause of grinding teeth at night. And since it's an unconscious act, we don't realize it until we wake up in the morning and feel our jaws aching and our teeth in pain.

The first thing to do, therefore, is to try and reduce stress. Try relaxation CD's, meditation, even yoga, to put you in a relaxed state before sleeping. Beyond this, exercise regularly as it's a proven stress buster, and take a warm water bath at night as it helps relax the jaw muscles.

Hypnosis is another effective new way to stop grinding teeth. Use a combination of stress busting techniques with hypnosis to cure teeth grinding.

How To Stop Grinding Teeth At Night?
buy a mouth guard at the discount or drug store.. I think you but it in hot water then adjust it to your mouth...

otherwise you can go to the dentist for a custom bite splint..

you will be amazed how much better you will feel in the morning!!!
Reply:A custom night gaurd is best to stop this. It should be worn every night for about a week and then when you feel stress or that you are grinding again. It works really well.
Reply:My ex had the same problem. He went to the dentist , and they made him a mouth guard from the mould of his mouth, he was meant to wear it at night when he went to bed.
Reply:Calm down. Meditate.


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