Friday, July 31, 2009

My husband has begun grinding his teeth in his sleep...?

And it's driving me nuts! It wakes me up and keeps me awake. I try to judge him to see if that will stop it, but it doesn't. Is there anything anyone knows that I can do to help my husband not wear his teeth down? Anyone had any ideas what my cause it? (I have a feeling it's stress indeuced...) Thank you!!!

My husband has begun grinding his teeth in his sleep...?
It has a name... bruxism. One of the most common causes is stress, particularly in a case like this where it has only recently started.

If allowed to continue untreated it can cause many long term problems. You might want to take a look at this site ...

for more information.

Many times the source of stress cannot be readily removed, but there are steps that can be taken to reduce our reactions to it. Check with your doctor. The guard can help prevent damage, but the key is really in dealing with the stress that is causing it.

Good luck!
Reply:i grind my teeth too
Reply:Normally related to having some heavy stuff on his Mind!

A Glass of Good Red wine with his evening meal should help his sleep!(Just a Glass..Med-Large)
Reply:Call your dentist. There are mouthguards that he can wear at night to prevent grinding. They mold them to the exact shape of the front of his teeth and are very comfortable. Good Luck!
Reply:haha, I was wondering why you'd judge him for such a trivial habit.

But seriously, there are mouth-guards you can get for him that help with the grinding. I also grind my teeth in my sleep and have been looking into these mouth protectors. Talk to your dentist about them.
Reply:it is stress related. if he doesn't either solve the stress part or get a retainer from the dentist he will actually start to crack his back molars.

I know this first hand as I had this issue and cracked 7 of my back molars only to be later replaced with implants.

best way is to figure out the stress and remove it ASAP. cause its doing more damage than just the teeth.....his stomach, blood pressure, etc are all being affected as well.
Reply:sorry have not idea too.. my sister does it all the time and it drives me nuts.. she says she dont even know she grinds her teeth..does yr husband know about his this? mabye u should tell him go dentist or something.. anyway if u found any answers im me ok.
Reply:Get him a mouth guard. You can get them in the sports dept. at stores like Walmart for $1.00. The dentist can custom make one as well but they are expensive. Do it ASAP as he can wreck his teeth!
Reply:my huby does it to, but hes getting some of his teeth replaced with partials and im hoping he stops it then bc he says he does it bc his teeth are sencitive and its like rubbing a wound
Reply:go to dentist for a mouth piece, grinding teeth leads to tmj that is very painful
Reply:buy him a nipple
Reply:Go to the nearest Drug Store and buy him a "night guard", it is a common problem. Your husband has too much stress and in his sleep, while the brain tries to reboot, certain chemical imbalances are interfering. He could see a Naturalpathic, or he could need something as simple as a natural "detox". Toxins build up in your system and if he is already over the edge,work,finances,children,even worried about you, the "toxins" build up and knock the **** out of your immune system. Thus the night "teeth grinding" - do as I have suggested, because in a very short time, he will ware the enamel off his teeth,set his "bite" off and fillings will begin to break and fall out! Trust me, I am a "retired" Oral Surgeon Assistant and Teacher. My only other suggestion, if you don't do that is, sleep in the KIDS room! LOL!
Reply:He should go to the dentist. They can give him a device to wear at night that will prevent this. Some people just do it, but it can cause wearing of the teeth, as well as migranes. My ex mother-in-law used to do that and eventually she ended up with severe migranes when she was awake, so a dental visit may help him, and you, tremendously.
Reply:Get him a mouth guard or Phone the dentist and ask them what things could help to get him for doing this . But if you wait for a day or two he will not doing it or just make him sleep on a different side of the bed
Reply:You can buy a mouth guard from your pharmacy or dentist. This will stop him from gringding.
Reply:A mouthguard is practical. Check Google for references to Vitamin B6 supplement for bruxism.

family nanny

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