Monday, April 20, 2009

How to solve teeth grinding problem while sleeping.?

Teeth grinding is medically known as bruxism:

How to Treat Bruxism

If you suspect that you suffer from bruxism see your dentist. They can tell you if your symptoms are in fact due to bruxism. In most cases, they can create a custom mouth guard for you to wear while you sleep. The mouth guard takes the punishment that your teeth would normally endure during your bruxism. This will minimize the damage associated with bruxism.

Additionally, your dentist may help you properly position your teeth and tongue so as to reduce your bruxism. Reducing alcohol intake is also advisable since alcohol has been shown to worsen bruxism.

It is now well known that stress and anxiety play the major role in causing bruxism. If you suffer from bruxism try to more effectively manage the stress in your life. By carefully monitoring and controlling the stress you can often dramatically reduce bruxism.

How to solve teeth grinding problem while sleeping.?
my sister got a mouth guard from her dentist. she doesnt have to wear it anymore and it stopped the grinding
Reply:First steps for treatment include over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (e.g. ibuprofen or naproxen). Stick to softer breakfast foods like yogurt or oatmeal rather than tough-to-chew choices like bagels or apples. Practicing stress reduction techniques (e.g. biofeedback, massage) and abstaining from evening caffeine consumption may also help.

While you can purchase an over-the-counter mouth guard at your local drugstore to prevent grinding, you should make an appointment with your dentist to evaluate whether you have evidence of dental damage. If so, your dentist may recommend a custom-fitted mouth guard and a muscle relaxant. You may have to consult a sleep specialist if you have other associated sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome.
Reply:Use a mouth gaurd. I have one that has been fitted for me by my dentist. Unfortunately, they are kind of expensive and some insurances don%26#039;t cover them because they are considered %26quot;cosmetic%26quot;. I have also found that some grocery stores will carry them. They were in the soap and face wash area. They cost about $30. You boil them and form them to your teeth/mouth. I have not actually used one of these types yet, but I did purchase one.
Reply:do what I did. Keep grinding away until the disc in your jaw finally pops OUT OF PLACE. Wake up to find that you are no longer able to open your mouth wider than 2 pieces of bread, and everything heaped on a spoon is scraped off by your top front teeth. Jump through 5 months of insurance hell, trying to prove that surgery is a medical necessity (because you can%26#039;t eat properly, you%26#039;re slowing starving). Finally have the surgery, only to be told that you aren%26#039;t allowed to CHEW ANYTHING ( teeth must not meet ) for 30 days, go through physical therapy where someone gently but steadily pulls your jaw open, because after all that time of not beinag able to open, the muscles have atrophied (sp?)....

Good news - You%26#039;ll get over any sweet tooth you have after realizing that steak through a straw is beyond repulsive and choose to live on milkshakes, jello, pudding and such ( although if you%26#039;re sneaky you can put a pringle on your tongue, let it get soggy and smash it on the roof of your mouth for a salt fix.) And you%26#039;ll lose pounds you already lost.

Bad news: well, I think I%26#039;ve covered that...

Get a bite guard, and wear it. If you know a Dr. ask him about Noritriptoline ( sp?) it%26#039;s an anti depressent, but they have realised that it has wonderful side effects, like migraine control, calming nerves for better sleep, bed wetting..Okay that one is funny, but it%26#039;s prescribed for that as well...

Good Luck.
Reply:You should have your dentist make you a custom night guard. You can wear it anytime but it%26#039;s recommended to be worn at night. It also has the benifit of keeping your bite adjusted.
Reply:you cant. but you can get a something to put in your mouth to help save your teeth.

skin cancer

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